
Giphy with Spaces Engine: Unlock the Fun of GIFs

Do you know how fast our brain processes visual information than words? It’s about 60,000 times faster! Online GIFs have proven more effective than sharing emojis or written messages.

With Spaces Engine, you can easily share GIFs in your daily activity and even in messages. The integration is seamless. We have mentioned in our official doc how to get started with GIFs. But it’s time to show you the detailed process with GIFs.

Today, in this tutorial, we will learn the benefits of using GIFs with Spaces and how you can share them in your daily Space activity.

Benefits of Using GIFs with Spaces:

Giphy is an online database platform and search engine for GIFs. GIFs are short looping videos without any sound. You can type how you are feeling and hundreds of GIFs will show up resembling your expression. They are more engaging and eye-catching than regular emojis.

When sharing GIFs in a comment feed or message threads, people are less likely to avoid them. It’s a fun experience that you can easily apply with Spaces. Let’s take a look at some of the benefits of using GIFs with Spaces. 

  • Easy and Simple: GIFs are only a few kilobytes in size. They are easy and super light to implement anywhere. In Spaces, you can easily attach GIFs to your inbox and other activities. Both visitors and Space owners can use GIFs and enjoy the fun of it.
  • Grabs Attention Quickly: GIFs are easy to catch attention. You can place them anywhere in your Space and watch your community get involved in a dynamic and fun conversation. Once you have activated the API key, all the Spaces will be connected to the Giphy service and you can enjoy the rest.
  • Gets Easy Fame: GIFs can often become a trend; shared by a huge community. Many brand promoters and marketing specialists use GIFs as a means of active marketing strategy. If used correctly, your Space can have more popularity and reach the right audience in no time.
  • Targets the Youth: GIFs are dynamic, short, and take 1-2 seconds to deliver your feelings. The younger generation loves to use GIFs as it takes only a little time for them. They enjoy sharing and delivering GIFs on online platforms and consider it an effective means of communication.

    Hence, when you use the right GIFs, it can also get you a new section of target customers for your customers.
  • Build A Community: With GIFs, you can create effective strategies to develop an active community. Since people are more interested to communicate via GIFs, there will always be a spontaneous flow of communication in your Space. Meaning, you will always have an active feed.

Using Giphy with Spaces Engine

GIFs are becoming more popular day by day. They are used as a short, fast, and fun way of communication. Facebook, Twitter, and many other social media platforms have integrated with Giphy and improved their platform experience. You can also integrate Giphy with Spaces and ensure a good time for visitors.

Using Giphy with Spaces: In order to use Giphy with Spaces, you will need an account in Giphy. If you don’t have an account on Giphy yet, you can simply go to their homepage and click on the Login/ SignUp option.

Provide all the information required and you are all set to go!

Creating API Key:

Once you have signed up in Giphy, log in and go to the “Dashboard/ Developers Dashboard” page from your account, and click on “Create An App

GIF Dashboard

Once you have clicked on this option, you will see two options for SDK and APK. Scroll down and “Select API”.

After that, click “Next Step”.

Now, you will be forwarded to a window where you can provide the App Name and Description. Check on the Terms and Agreement box and hit “Create App.”

Your app has been successfully created. This newly created app will be visible in your Giphy Dashboard and you can get the API Key from there.

Here end the settings with Giphy. Now, you have to go to Space settings and insert the Giphy API Key there.

Insert the API Key in Space Settings

Go to Spaces> Settings> General.

You can find the Giphy API Key in the Giphy Dashboard. Insert it into the Giphy API Key box from the General settings of Spaces.  Every Space on your site will now be connected to Giphy, and your Space creators can start to use the service.

Where Can You Use GIFs in Spaces?

With Spaces, you can upload GIF content in your activity stream. And allow your community to participate in a fun and interactive discussion. You can also send GIFs in messages. GIFs can be used both from the administrator’s and visitor’s end.

Why Should You Use GIFs with Spaces?

GIFs promote a fun and exciting platform for communication. These days, visibility draws more attention than written content. Hence, when Space owners publish GIF content, it can easily draw more attention from Space visitors. 
Besides, GIFs are also fun to engage with and easy to express feelings. Being a Space owner, if you lack words, you can easily express your day or make any announcements using GIFs.

Integrate GIFs with Spaces today and unlock the door to a fun and exciting journey for your Space community.

Is Giphy Free to Use?

Giphy is the largest library for GIFs, Clips, and Stickers. This largest platform is free for all. There are no hidden or additional charges on this platform. Once you have set up the API key, Giphy is all set to go with all the Spaces.

Do GIFs Slow Down your Spaces?

GIFs can sometimes slow down the loading speed of your Spaces. However, that is when you are using frequent GIFs without any regulation. Using GIFs in your activity stream from time to time will cause no harm and leave your Spaces free from fall.  

Final Words:

Here at Spaces Engine, we are always focused to improve the community experience with a dynamic interface. Here, people can communicate with each other, send messages to individual Space and do a lot more!  

Using GIFs with Spaces improves this communication process and ensures you have an active newsfeed. So that, when people visit your Space, they can find an active feed stream and feel interested to participate in the conversation.

With Spaces, you can always enjoy the utmost benefits of developing an effective community. Follow this article to snatch all the fun from Giphy to your Space.