
Changelog – Release Notes

Version 1.4.1

  • [IMPROVED] Pages that shouldn’t be accessed now redirect to home rather than 404
  • [IMPROVED] New hook for custom tab addition
  • [FIXED] Changed Twitter to X
  • [FIXED] Improved service description text block
  • [FIXED] WPML compatibility for Create Space Page
  • [FIXED] Issue with activity feed load order
  • [FIXED] Conflict with Project Panorama plugin

This is a maintenance release to fix some of the bugs you have reported to us.

Thank you to Eric, Janni, Peter, Klaus and everyone else who made suggestions, added translations, or found bugs.

Jun 25, 2034

Version 1.4.0

  • [NEW] Geolocation – display your Spaces on a Google Map
  • [IMPROVED] Select2 library integrated to improve category and location filtering
  • [IMPROVED] You can now filter Spaces by multiple categories and locations
  • [IMPROVED] Hidden groups are now excluded from the Groups tab
  • [IMPROVED] Social icons are now displayed on the About page
  • [FIXED] Styling bug making it harder to use dark themes
  • [FIXED] Giphy selection box sometimes didn’t appear
  • [FIXED] Issue where if you posted more than one media in an activity, the additional media items would get their own activity in the main feed
  • [FIXED] Link in activity feed now redirects back to Space

    This release combines our long-awaited Geolocation and Mapping feature with some additional improvements requested by our users.

    Our Geolocation and Mapping feature allows you to search for Spaces by their address, and display them on a Google Map. You can use a proximity search to find Spaces near to you, or another location.

    To get started, head to our documentation page at

    Thank you to everyone who made suggestions, added translations, or found bugs.

June 3rd, 2024

Version 1.3.0

  • [NEW] Monetize with WooCommerce
  • [NEW] Counter added to Spaces item in user profile page
  • [IMPROVED] Colour of avatar surround can now be changed
  • [IMPROVED] Text length restriction removed for service description
  • [IMPROVED] Draft and trashed Spaces no longer show in directory for admins as this was adding unnecessary confusion
  • [IMPROVED] Inbox tab and page no longer visible to editors
  • [IMPROVED] Add WebP support
  • [FIXED] Styling bug (group cover over top of Groups page title)
  • [FIXED] Duplicate avatar showing below the correct one

    This release combines our long-awaited monetization system with some additional improvements requested by our users.

    Our monetization system (combined with WooCommerce and optionally WooCommerce Subscriptions) gives you all the tools you need to charge your users for creating and using Spaces. By creating plans that your users will purchase, you can enable and disable nearly every aspect of Spaces, and you can create as many as you need, e.g. gold, silver and bronze packages.

    To get started, head to our documentation page at

    Thank you to Brandon, Eric, Martin, Simon and everyone else who made suggestions, added translations, or found bugs.


March 19th, 2024

Version 1.2.7


  • NEW] Native Messaging
  • [IMPROVED] CSS classes added to each action button so they can be disabled individually 
  • [FIXED] Bug where alternative database prefix used
  • [FIXED] Bug when groups component not enabled

The new native messaging system is an alternative to the Spaces Engine messaging system. Once activated (via your global backend settings), the message button in each Space’s header opens the native messaging screen. As the BuddyBoss message system currently only allows one recipient when used as a link, each Space can choose which admin will receive enquiries via their settings page. Native messaging is enabled by default for new users with no existing Spaces. If feedback is positive, we will look to develop this feature further.

Please leave feedback and suggestions on our feature requests board.

Thank you to everyone who made suggestions, added translations, or found bugs.Dec 11th, 2023


[NEW] BuddyBoss Groups Integration: Space admins can now link a group to be shown under a new ‘Groups’ Tab. Multiple Groups can be linked to one single space. Groups will now show the Space that runs or manages the group as one of the organizers. Also Group by SPACENAME

[NEW] Widget to show the groups linked to a single space. It can be placed on any of the sidebars.

[NEW] Listing view for the Spaces Listings Page (/spaces). Site admin can set list or grid as default view.

[NEW] Followers Component. Now Spaces Following count show a few profile images next to the count.

[NEW] Refresh on overall design for the spaces profile image across all placements.

[IMPROVED] Dropdown Filter: A-Z, Ratings, etc moved next to the list/grid selector.

[IMPROVED] Link handling inside Space service items

[IMPROVED] Pagination on category pages

[FIXED] Fluent Forms sitewide not respecting recipients

Thank you to everyone who made suggestions, added translations, or found bugs.


Sep 7th, 2023

Version 1.2.5


  • [NEW] Compatibility with Compatibility with Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order Plugin
  • [IMPROVED] Messaging on failed Create Space page on activation
  • [IMPROVED] Avatars back to full size, to prevent blurriness
  • [FIXED] Issue with certain IP addresses breaking the directory
  • [FIXED] Fluent Forms displaying, but not sending
  • [FIXED] Shortcode not working correctly
  • [FIXED] PHP error when no locations set in Create Space page
  • [FIXED] Filters with custom fields not performing correctly
  • Minor styling updates

Thank you to Joanna, Anastasiya, Michael, Ryan, Brandon, Steven and everyone else who made suggestions, added translations, or found bugs.


Jun 6, 2023

Version 1.2.4

  • [NEW] ‘Add Review’ button on the reviews page
  • [NEW] Notification to site admins when a review is flagged by Space owner
  • [NEW] Added ‘Tested up to’ in plugin details
  • [NEW] Latest Spaces widget (available sitewide)
  • [NEW] Fluent Forms integration
  • [NEW] Followed Spaces now appear on all user profiles
  • [NEW] Hooks added for above and below Space Directory filters
  • [NEW] Widget area added below filters
  • [NEW] New Spaces Categories Archive Pages
  • [NEW] New Spaces Locations Archive Pages
  • [IMPROVED] Ability to disable the Work Hours feature
  • [IMPROVED] Styling of extended map widget
  • [IMPROVED] Spaces directory scrolls to top where only few Spaces are found
  • [FIXED] Trashed Spaces no longer appear in directory for non-admins
  • [FIXED] Deleted users no longer stay counted as a Space follower
  • [FIXED] Review elements no longer appear if globally disabled
  • Minor styling updates

Thank you to Joanna, Michael, Klaus, Brandon, Rastin, James, Steven, Eric and everyone else who made suggestions, added translations, or found bugs.
 Mar 22, 2023

Version 1.2.3


  • [NEW] Choose which page to display as ‘home.’
  • [NEW] Change URL of create Space page (via hook)
  • [NEW] Activity feed now respects ‘relevant activity’ setting
  • [NEW] Activity feed can now be globally disabled
  • [NEW] Spaces can now post documents in their feed 
  • [NEW] Link previews in the activity feed
  • [NEW] Activity feed content can be formatted (bold, italic, etc.)
  • [NEW] Multiple images and videos in the activity feed
  • Minor styling updates, bugfixes and missing translation strings

Thank you to Stefan, Klaus, Brandon, Paul, Anastasiya, Joanna, James, Thomas and everyone else who made suggestions, added translations, or found bugs.

Additional Notes

Space admins can now choose which page to use as their ‘home’ tab. These can be any page that isn’t admin only (such as settings), nor those created via custom tabs. Space owners will be able to change their ‘home’ tab using a new dropdown on the ‘tabs and buttons’ page in their Space settings. It is recommended that Space owners disable the dedicated link for the chosen default tab, so the page isn’t duplicated in the menu. Additionally, site administrators can choose a default ‘home’ page, via the general Space settings in the backend. If a selection is made, the Space-specific dropdown box will be hidden, and the new default ‘home’ page used from that point.


Site administrators can now direct users to a different page when any ‘Create Space’ link is clicked. This may be useful when you have a monetization workflow in operation. To do so, use the following filter.

add_filter( ‘wpe_wps_get_create_page_url’, ‘custom_create_space_page’ );

function custom_create_space_page() {

return ‘’;



We have changed the way activity feeds work. If the site administrator has unticked the relevant activity checkbox under BuddyBoss activity settings, the main feed will display activity from ALL Spaces, matching the way BuddyBoss handles group activity. If the relevant activity box is ticked, users will only see activity from Spaces they have engaged with by clicking the follow button. Individual user timelines, such as those un user profiles, will now also show activity from Spaces they follow. Space admins will continue to need to follow the Spaces they administrate, to see activity.


Feb 14, 2023

Version 1.2.2

  • [NEW] Sort Spaces by rating
  • [NEW] Sort Spaces randomly
  • [NEW] Filter Spaces by those currently open
  • [IMPROVED] Better handling of YouTube URLs 
  • [IMPROVED] Spinner added to Spaces directory
  • [IMPROVED] Spaces now correctly display all active tabs when created
  • [IMPROVED] New layout for Space services
  • [FIXED] Errors displayed where no shortcode added to a custom tab
  • Minor styling updates

Thank you to everyone who made suggestions, added translations, or found bugs.Jan 17, 2023

Version 1.2.1

  • [NEW] Ratings stars in Space headers now link to reviews page
  • [FIXED] Issue with uploads on latest iPhones running Safari
  • [FIXED] Issue with a blank members page showing up
  • [FIXED] Issue with source map not found error in console
  • [FIXED] Correct spacing in header for non-logged-in users
  • Minor styling updates
  • Structural plugin updates required for the upcoming WP Jobs Manager integration.

Thank you to Greg, Klaus, Thomas, James and everyone else who made suggestions, added translations, or found bugs.Nov 16, 2022

Version 1.2.0


  • [NEW] Hooks added to create custom Space settings items
  • [IMPROVED] CSS and JS minimization for performance boost
  • [IMPROVED] Long categories now trim on index cards, and have tooltips
  • [FIXED] Issue where Spaces don’t always delete if reviews not present
  • [FIXED] Removal of Google Fonts to comply with GDPR regulations
  • [FIXED] Issue with nav menu causing fatal error
  • [FIXED] Issue with action buttons not showing
  • Minor styling updates

Thank you to Antonio, Klaus, James, Joanna and everyone else who made suggestions or found bugs.

“This update includes a way for our advanced users to add new items to a Space’s frontend settings menu. This will be a useful component for those who are already using our Custom Tabs API, as they will now be able to dynamically change content on these tabs based on how an individual Space is configured by its administrators. We will release a document shortly showing its potential”.Oct 25, 2022

Version 1.1.9


  • [NEW] Quickly send a message to a Space from an index card
  • [NEW] Change the ‘Featured Space’ and ‘Quick View’ card icons
  • [NEW] Change the icon used for messaging across all views
  • [NEW] Globally disable the action buttons
  • [NEW] Option to rebuild Spaces (used when importing Spaces from elsewhere)
  • [IMPROVED] Create Space Preview clearly shows it is just a preview
  • [IMPROVED] Space verified status now shows in main Space page next to title
  • [FIXED] Bug where an error would be seen where a Space has address, but no Google API key has been added yet
  • [FIXED] Bug causing Spaces not to show on archive pages in certain configurations
  • [FIXED] Bug where pagination links crept into the Space index grid
  • [FIXED] Bug swapping featured and promoted in some installations
  • [FIXED] Engagement icon not updating
  • Minor styling updates

Thank you to Thorsten, Marc, Vincent, James, Ben, Joanna and everyone else who made suggestions or found bugs.

Oct 18, 2022

Version 1.1.8

  • [NEW] Fully redesigned archive index cards
  • [NEW] Quick view to see Space information at a glance
  • [NEW] Engage (like, follow etc) with a Space from archive page
  • [NEW] Verified Spaces system
  • [NEW] Featured & Promoted Spaces system
  • [NEW] Categories can now have icons and colors
  • [NEW] Engagement icon can be changed
  • [NEW] New ‘Full’ header to show long description in header (Recommended for App users)
  • [NEW] Spaces system menu item to assist with debugging and provide tools
  • [IMPROVED] New layout design for Space archive pages
  • [IMPROVED] Flex layout now default
  • [FIXED] Squashed avatars on some screens

Oct 12, 2022


[FIXED] Event settings tab not always appearing in Space settings

Sep 27, 2022

Version 1.1.7

  • [NEW] Integration with The Events Calendar
  • [NEW] Custom Tabs (via backend)
  • [NEW] Custom Tabs (via API)
  • [NEW] Team widget
  • [NEW] About Us widget
  • [NEW] Map widget
  • [NEW] Ability to choose default sorting for Space archives
  • [NEW] New engagement tab in settings. Choose a new label for the follow button.
  • [IMPROVED] New layout design for Space archive pages
  • [IMPROVED] Left sidebar is now totally customizable
  • [IMPROVED] Background color of messages in personal Space messages inbox is now consistent rather than red
  • [IMPROVED] Original non-widget map deprecated to allow for new map widget to be added
  • [FIXED] Sidebars renamed to ‘left’ and ‘right’ to make them more understandable
  • [FIXED] Categories now save correctly when added AFTER images on the ‘Create Space’ page
  • [FIXED] WordPress version number (footer) no longer appears halfway up Spaces Admin Settings page
  • [FIXED] Locations not respecting hierarchy in dropdowns 
  • [FIXED] Conflict with GamiPress where vertical tabbed menu was duplicated in backend
  • [FIXED] Removed color and font weight from Space navigation menu to keep consistency with BuddyBoss 2.0 styles

Thanks to Anastasiya G, James O, Alex A and everyone else who found bugs or had suggestions.Sep 26, 2022

Version 1.1.6

  • [NEW] Power-Widget. Learn more here.
  • [NEW] Custom Fields and ACF integration. Learn more here.
  • [NEW] Custom Filters. Learn more here.

Thank you to all beta users who reported bugs and shared suggestions.

Aug 15, 2022

Version 1.1.5

  • [NEW] Flex Layout
  • [NEW] Icon added to change cover image faster.
  • [IMPROVED] Styling consistency with BuddyBoss Theme 2.0
  • [FIXED] Styling of Social Networks widget
  • [FIXED] Bug where non-admins couldn’t delete activities

May 9, 2022

Version 1.1.4

  • [NEW] Three new smart widgets
  • [NEW] You can now change the singular and plural titles for your Spaces
  • [NEW] You can now change the default avatar and cover image
  • [NEW] You can now change the cover image background color
  • [NEW] You can now set the maximum length of your Space titles
  • [IMPROVED] Service descriptions now respect body text color
  • [IMPROVED] Spinner added when you save a service to show it is processing
  • [FIXED] Service ‘Add Image’ box no longer requires a page refresh to appear
  • [FIXED] Minor bugs and styling improvements
  • [FIXED] Service link label now correctly saves

April 25, 2022

Version 1.1.3

  • [NEW] Spaces can now have a long description. Admins can choose to use a rich text editor, or a plain one, via a setting in the backend.
  • [NEW] You can now select multiple categories for your Spaces.
  • [IMPROVED] The review form is now a popup window.
  • [IMPROVED] Action buttons now span three columns on mobile, to reduce scrolling.
  • [IMPROVED] The internal Spaces sidebar now sits above the activity feed on mobile, so your visitors can get to important information quicker.
  • [IMPROVED] Spaces now more consistent in removing data when deleted.
  • [IMPROVED] Spaces now check for the BB activity component.
  • [IMPROVED] Review rating stars are now consistent across the plugin,
  • [IMPROVED] When you save Space settings, a spinner lets you know things are happening behind the scenes.
  • [FIXED] Spaces index page no longer shows a Parse Error on the BB App
  • [FIXED] Avatars and usernames in reviews now correctly point to profiles.
  • [FIXED] issue causing Spaces without avatars to display incorrectly in activity feeds.
  • [FIXED] issue where the upload dialog would keep appearing when trying to save media.
  • [FIXED] inconsistent styling in the frontend settings section.
  • [FIXED] Users can no longer leave multiple reviews.
  • [FIXED] Settings toggle buttons now show the correct colour when ‘off’.
  • [FIXED] Issue preventing the first activity of a Space displaying, until the page was refreshed.

March 28, 2022

Version 1.1.2


  • [Added] Restrict Space creation based on User Role or Profile Type
  • [Added] Spaces Engine is now fully translatable
  • [Changed] Improved look of Space filters on mobile
  • [Fixed] Improved permalink flushing frequency
  • [Fixed] Bug where non-admins couldn’t change locations or categories
  • [Fixed] Correctly hide Create Space buttons from those not eligible
  • [Fixed] Bug where a user couldn’t delete the video link for their Space
  • [Fixed] Other minor bugfixes and style improvements

Feb 9, 2022

Version 1.1.1 [Hotfix]


  • [Hotfix] Performance issue
  • [Added] Notifications for new reviews, replies to reviews, new review upvotes
  • [Fixed] ‘Write Review’ button appearing even though a Space doesn’t have reviews enabled

Feb 9, 2022

Version 1.1.0 – Major Release

  • [Added] Reviews and Ratings
  • [Added] Spaces Index Shortcode
  • [Added] Pagination on index pages (Spaces archive)
  • [Added] Translation strings
  • [Changed] Improved menu on mobile view
  • [Changed] You can now watch videos via the cover image
  • [Fixed] Bug adding unneeded styling to non-spaces pages
  • [Fixed] Bug allowing unauthorised users to create Spaces
  • [Fixed] Header buttons showing even if no user logged in
  • [Fixed] Toggle buttons not in correct color
  • [Fixed] Minor other bugfixes and typos

Feb 9, 2022

Version 1.0.3 [Hotfix]

  • [Fixed] Bug preventing activation for a small number of users

Dec 29, 2021

Version 1.0.2

  • [Added] Action Buttons
  • [Changed] Rearranged buttons in header
  • [Changed] Improve look of ‘follow’ button
  • [Changed] Minor style enhancements
  • [Fixed] Bug in activity feed when a user follows every Space on a site
  • [Fixed] Bug in notifications handler
  • [Fixed] Improved flushing of permalinks
  • [Fixed] Correct pages provided under ‘BuddyBoss’ section of ‘Appearance > Menus’
  • [Fixed] Bug with form layout when no Giphy key added
  • [Fixed] Minor bugfixes and typos

Dec 28, 2021

Version 1.0.1

  • [Added] Loom videos can now be used within the main CTA button
  • [Added] Locations – Spaces can now have locations (set at Space creation, or via Space settings)
  • [Added] Location field now showing on ‘About’ tab
  • [Added] Category and Location filtering on Spaces index
  • [Added] Spaces can now be filtered by scope (all Spaces or just ones you manage)
  • [Added] Link to a User’s Spaces Messages from the notification header
  • [Changed] New Spaces index page layout
  • [Changed] Border added between conversation and message box on user inbox
  • [Changed] Videos for CTA button now take video URL rather than a code. URLs are validated to prevent unauthorised addresses being entered.
  • [Fixed] Bug preventing Space avatar from appearing on activity feed when viewed by normal user
  • [Fixed] Bug causing activity feed to incorrectly generate when triggered by the BuddyBoss heartbeat function
  • [Fixed] Some users were not able to upload videos to the activity feed
  • [Fixed] Category dropdowns showing, even when no categories were added by site administrator

Dec 14, 2021

Version 1.0.0 – Initial Release

  • Initial version. Welcome to the world.

Dec 07, 2021